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Mensaje por Vladimir 'Rus' Braginsky Miér Ene 18, 2012 12:29 am

Personal Data

♠ Nombre: Mikhail Braginsky
♠ Representa: Rus de Kiev
♠ Altura: 2.10 mts
♠ Peso: 90 kg
♠ Pdad: 1230 / 40 (aparentes)


en ingles hasta que me digne a traducirla(?)

Mihail was born as Erik on the scandinavian night houndreths of years ago. He inhabited with germanic tribes along with his brother, the human representation of Scandia. When he was old enough to defend himsel, he said 'goodbye' to his brother and instead of becoming a Viking, he went to travel, becoming Varangian. He fought against the slavic tribes(because varangians wanted them to pay tribute and they refused) and lost, having to, defeated, return to scandia, who mocked him for being weak. However, the slavs had to face a lot of disorder, and pleaded varangians to come back and rule over them

Then, erik went to slavic territory again with his varangian people, and in them were 3 man that were chosen as the rulers of diferent provinces of Rus' Khaganate. Three scandinavian brothers called Hrörik, Sineus and Truvor.
Hrörik became the prince of Novgorod (Now Russia), and took his brother's cities under his gouberment when they died, and changed his name to a slavic variation, Rurik. Then, Erik became Mikhail to follow his prince's desition.
In the winter, he met... a weird being stat started to chase him but wasn't so powerfull in that time (Because Rus' didn't ocuppy most of time of the actual Russia), the General Winter. Of course he didn't know him by that name then. It just was 'that cold ghost' for him.

They started to trade with some kingdom that was very big and powerfull in that time. The Khazars. They borrowed Rurik's people to use they trade routes for a lot of time. Meanwhile, Rurik died, and his son, Igor, was chosen to be the sucessor. But he was too young, so they put a man, Oleg to rule over Rus' Khaganate until he was old enough to become the 'king'. Mikhail was very sad and depressed for the death of the man he took as his father and inspiration, but was strong to look forward for his nation.
Oleg was a man that started to expand Rus' Khaganate as much as he could, and started to had a good relationship with another mepires that were close to his reign.

Mikhail was a very good friend of Khazar, until his gouberment decided to deny Oleg´s people to use the trade routes, and, angry, they started a war against khazarian people helped with a big army of an empire that used to be allied with the Khazar. The Byzantine one. So they completely destroyed the Khazarian Kingdom and took over one of his cities, Kiev, that became the capitold of the new formed empire, Kievan Rus', in the 862 bc.
Having to murder the person he started to love in that time, took over Mikhail's mental sanity and he tried to kill himself, but as long as his nation were so strong, he did not die, but in his neck remains two ugly scars he hates to show.

Prince Igor succeeded Oleg and continued to build up Kievan Rus'. His wife Olga succeeded him to the throne after he was murdered. She sought to avenge her husband's death and on three occasions slaughtered numerous Derevlians (the group responsible for his death). Olga converted to Christianity in about 954, although her son and successor Sviatoslav remained pagan. As the first Rus' ruler to do so, she helped bring about the tradition of Christianity in Rus'. Thirty years later in 988, under the rule of Vladimir, Orthodox Christianity became the official state religion, and the Rus people became tied to Byzantine and Constantinople. These ties were furthered by Vladimir's marriage to the Byzantine emperor's sister. One of the results of this was that the Russians adopted the Cyrillic alphabet rather than the alphabet used by the rest of Europe (Cyrilic alphabet is a combination between modified greek letter and A LOT of the letters of the language used in Volga-Bulgaria by then).

These religious ties helped separate Russia from the rest of Europe. The rivers that ran through Kievan Rus' led the Russians to still maintain contact with Europe. The Dnieper River, along with Kiev was an important trade route. The importance of this trade route is also one of the reasons that Kiev was chosen as the center for control.
Mischa was canfused of having to change his pagan roots for another unknown religion (at least for him) and was dissapointed and angry to Olga and Vladimir because of that. Anyways, he was introduced to the Byzantium representation and they started to be very close friends, more when their empires were tied by marriage.

Kievan Rus' continued to grow until, at its peak, it reached from the Baltic Sea to the Black Sea and from the Carpathian Mountains to the Oka river. At this time, Prince Iaroslav the Wise was the ruler. Iaroslav expanded economic relations with Europe and Asia, built schools and libraries and encouraged scholars and artists. He also implemented the first Russian laws, called The Russian Justice. However, the end of Iaroslav's reign brought disunity to Kievan Rus' as he divided the country among his sons, telling them to obey the eldest as the Grand Prince of Kiev. This did not work and political unity was weakened.
As the only company he had o that time, were his daughter Kiev-Ukraniya, Polatsk and his son, Novgorod, thing that kept him sane and to unwind from all the inner chaos of his empire.

Following Iaroslav's reign, wars between the princes were common. An agreement among the princes to acknowledge the boundaries of each one's area coexisted with an agreement to unite in the face of outside invasion. This agreement indicated that the people thought of themselves as a nation but the plan didn't always work and Kievan Rus' was weakened by wars between the princes and raids from neighbors. Kievan Rus' was further weakend by Andrei Bogolyubsky's attack of Kiev in 1169. He plundered the city and assumed the title of Grand Prince. However, he did not rule from there. Kiev lost its position as capital. These events brought about the end of Kievan Rus'. With the loss of their capital, and weakened by wars between the princes, Kievan Rus was highly vulnerable to outside attack. They were threatened by many groups, and were finally overcome by the Tatars after a lot of struggle from the rus' army, reason of WHY Mikhail despises Mongolia with his entire being.


► Ama los dulces, el te, el vodka y el clima calido. Dale algo de eso y él te palmeará la cabeza y te sonreirá.

► La mayoria de las veces es muy pacifico cerca de gente nueva. Cambia si lo molestan o se burlan, pero generalmente tratará de ser pacifico contigo. Eso se debe a que Rus' no fue principalmente guerrero, sino que se dedico a actividades de comercio en su mayoria

► Durante un largo tiempo vivió con croacia, quien fue como su 'esposa' y con quien tuvo a ucrania. Hace mucho que no le ve, pero para el siempre será una buena persona

► Dependiendo de la ocasion se lo puede ver usando una daga, una espada, un rifle o un hacha para golpear a la gente.

► Es consciente de su propio cuerpo, por eso la mayoria de las veces NO va a mostrarlo, generalmente vestido desde el cuello a los pies, incluso en verano. Esto se debe a que ODIA las cicatrices que tiene. Son dos en la espalda, dos en el cuello y una en el pecho

► Actualmente esta siendo medicado y yendo al psiquiatra por su esquizofrenia. ¿Por qué es esquizofrénico? Por que cuando Rus de Kiev estaba llegando a su fin, todos los principados comenzaron a pelearse los unos con los otros, lo que provocó que en su cabeza hubieran muchísimas voces contrarias hablando al mismo tiempo.

► Ama a sus hijos con toda su alma. Metete con ello y el o bien te mordera, pateara, apuñalara o disparara hasta matarte o hará lo mas dañino que pueda. NADIE se mete con su querida familia.

► Se puede mantener enojado con alguien por MUCHO tiempo, no esperes que sea bueno contigo luego de dos semanas despues de una pelea.

► Si no quieres que te patee el trasero, NO lo jodas con la caida de su nacion

► No soporta a Mongolia. La mayoria de las veces será cinico, hipocrita y un bastardo cerca de el. No se sorprendan


► Al contrario de Mikhail, el no es esquizofrenico, pero tiene episodios de Trastorno esquizofreniforme y un caso severo de Síndrome de Cotard.

► Debido a lo último es por lo que va cubierto siempre de pies a cabeza... incluso llegando hasta a cubrirse la cara, y generalmente usa MUCHO perfume o lo que sea que 'cubra el olor' como diría el, peor que en realidad es todo un delirio.

► Es una persona terriblemente profesional a pesar de los problemas que lo aquejan, tanto que llega a sufrir síndrome de burnout y tener que quedarse descansando tirado por dias hasta recuperarse del estres... para luego volver a lo mismo.

► No es que sea un mal padre... quiere a sus hijos de una forma retorcida y obsesiva, es horriblemente territorial con ellos, celoso de que vayan a dejarlo por otras personas

► Por una manía de arrancarse el cabello al tenerlo largo, a pesaar de que siempre fue pecado entre los eslavos cortarse el cabello, lo lleva largo por la quijada, quizas un poco mas corto

► Sus ojos son azules y no grises, y su cabello es mas oscuro, casi castaño

► Es común que se quede sentado mirando a la nada o cuando esta con una persona, mirándola fijamente, observándola de una manera casi ruda, escrutando hasta lo más mínimo

► Su nombre era Waldemar cuando era varego

Vladimir 'Rus' Braginsky
Vladimir 'Rus' Braginsky

Masculino Mensajes : 6
Localización : Stáraya Ládoga, Leningrado, Rusia

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